GPS testing scheduled for April 11-15, 18-23, and 25-29 may result in unreliable or unavailable GPS signals in the Midwest per Flight Advisory GAFC 16-02.

The location of the testing is centered at 402520N/902006W or the Spinner VORTAC (SPI) 321 degree radial at 46NM and will occur at the following dates and times:
- 11–15 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z
- 18–23 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z
- 25–29 APR 16 1300Z – 2100Z
The NOTAMs discussed in this advisory may change with little or no notice, and the FAA encourages pilots to check NOTAMs frequently for possible changes prior to operations in the area which will be published at least 24 hours in advance of any GPS tests.
» Flight Advisory GAFC 16-02