The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will be issuing Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) in support of the Republican National Convention taking place in Tampa, FL. The restrictions are designed to provide a safe and secure environment for the event.
On August 26 a TFR will be placed at 2746060N/08239120W (the PIE174008.5) and will consist of a 30NM outer ring and a 10NM inner core, from the surface up to but not including 18,000 FT MSL. The TFR will be in effect from 1400-2300 EDT.
From August 27 to August 30 a TFR will be placed at 2757130N/08228010W (the PIE081011.8) and will consist of a 3NM ring, from the surface up to but not including 5,000 FT MSL. The TFR will be in effect from 0900-1600 EDT daily.
From August 27 to August 30 a TFR will be placed at 2757130N/08228010W (the PIE081011.8) and will consist of a 30NM outer ring and a 10NM inner core, from the surface up to but not including 18,000 FT MSL. The TFR will be in effect from 1200-2359 EDT on August 27 and from 1600-2359 thereafter.
Note that operations at Peter O. Knight Airport (KTPF) will be prohibited when either TFR is in effect.
The NOTAM(s) discussed in the advisory may change with little or no notice. Pilots are strongly advised to check NOTAM(s) frequently for possible changes prior to operating in the area. For questions about the information contained in this advisory contact the Security Operations Support Center (SOSC) at (202)-267-8276.