With iFlightPlanner for iPad you now have the ability to connect your iPad to your favorite flight simulator and unleash the best flight planning and in-flight simulation experience anywhere!
Combining iFlightPlanner, FSXFlight and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004, Microsoft Flight Simulator X or the Steam Edition, pilots of all realms can plan flights using iFlightPlanner and view those routes in iFlightPlanner for iPad for use in their flight simulator. Once in the virtual cockpit, FSXFlight will push all simulated GPS data to iFlightPlanner for iPad via networked WiFi connection and force the iPad to behave as if it were flying in the same airplane!
If you fly with X-Plane, the FSXFlight plugin(s) are not required and you may connect iFlightPlanner for iPad directly to X-Plane over the same wireless network.
» iFlightPlanner Installation & Setup Guide for FSXFlight
» Connecting X-Plane to iFlightPlanner, The Details
This feature is already available to all iFlightPlanner Premium members and you can upgrade today for as little as $9.99 per month and experience all that iFlightPlanner has to offer!