At iFlightPlanner, we consider flight planning to be a process that ultimately enhances the safety and joy of flying, a goal of every pilot when they take to the skies. Planning a flight should therefore be as routine and seamless as possible, allowing us to focus on flying the aircraft while knowing that all necessary information related to the flight is complete and easily accessible.
This vision has been an integral part of the iFlightPlanner experience from day one, and every enhancement or feature has been evaluated with those parameters in mind. Our newest addition to the iFlightPlanner product family is no exception, and it brings us one step closer to achieving what we’ve set out to do - offer pilots a fully-integrated flight planning solution that maximizes flexibility and is fun and easy to use.
We are proud to announce the imminent release of iFlightPlanner for iPad presented by Sennheiser!
iFlightPlanner for iPad is not just another flight planning application for the iPad but instead a logical extension of iFlightPlanner’s proven flight planning experience. Pilots can continue to rely on the convenience of planning their flights on any computer using the web-based flight wizard at iFlightPlanner.com and sync all their flight data into iFlightPlanner for iPad for easy access in the cockpit. This approach not only maximizes flexibility but also takes full advantage of our web-based interface for easy data entry and the native iPad application for increased portability.
iFlightPlanner for iPad is, in essence, an interactive cockpit document that gives pilots access to all the relevant routing, weather, and airport information while in flight and eliminating the need for printouts or primary paper charts in the cockpit. Additionally, iFlightPlanner for iPad communicates with the iFlightPlanner servers via WiFi or cellular data connection allowing users to electronically close flight plans while simultaneously creating an entry in their digital log book. All these features, including full access to our entire chart database, extensive weather information and airport/facility directory will be available to anyone with a free iFlightPlanner account. Our premium users will also have the ability create and modify existing flight plans using an optimized version of our intuitive flight planning wizard designed specifically for the iPad.
Features of iFlightPlanner for iPad include:
- Fully-integrated with iFlightPlanner.com and mobile.iFlightPlanner.com
- Seamless georeferenced VFR Sectional and IFR Low/High enroute charts
- Color-coded route corridor weather with access to latest METARs and TAFs
- GPS-enabled moving map
- Comprehensive Airport/Facility Directory
- Airport diagrams, runway information, IFR approach plates, SIDs, and STARs
- FBO and local airport-related business directory
- Ability to electronically close flight plans via network connection
- Sync and maintain digital pilot logbook
iFlightPlanner for iPad has been developed from the ground up as a result of our strategic partnership with leading headset manufacturer Sennheiser Aviation and will be available as a free download from the Apple App Store. We are in the final stages of development so stay tuned for the latest information!
Blue skies,
The iFlightPlanner Crew