


Brian Stoltzfus: Flight Instructor Profile

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NAFI - National Association of Flight Instructors
Brian is a NAFI Member

Flight Instructor Info

Reading Aero Club, Reading Air Flight School
Airplane Single Engine
Instrument Airplane
High Performance
Light Sport Aircraft

About Brian

I've been flying since 1986. My passions is helping my students become safe pilots and making flying fun. I enjoy using the Ipad and Iphone for many piloting tasks and help my students get the most out of their Apple products. If you want to learn to fly and join a club, the Reading Aero club is a great option (www.readingaeroclub.org). If you prefer and FBO, the Reading Air flight school is a good choice (http://www.readingair.com/Flight_School_Flight_Instruction_Reading_Pa.html). I teach at both.


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