The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) in the Washington, D.C. area on January 9, 2025, to ensure security during President Carter's State Funeral. These restrictions will expand the existing Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area (DC SFRA) and Flight Restricted Zone (DC FRZ).
Key Restrictions:
- Transit flights not landing or departing within the DC SFRA are prohibited.
- VFR traffic pattern operations at DC SFRA airports are suspended.
- Only Department of Defense, law enforcement, and air ambulance operations authorized by the Airspace Security Operations Center (ASOC) are permitted.
- All other flights, including those to and from Joint Base Andrews (KADW) and Davison Army Airfield (KDAA), must coordinate with the ASOC at (866) 598-9524.
Prohibited Operations:
Activities such as flight training, practice approaches, aerobatic maneuvers, glider operations, parachute operations, ultralights, balloon operations, agricultural spraying, banner towing, utility/pipeline patrols, model aircraft, model rockets, maintenance flights, and unmanned aircraft operations are prohibited within the DC SFRA and DC FRZ during this period.
Recommendations for Pilots:
Pilots are advised to frequently check Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for updates, as restrictions may change with little notice. Prior to flight, contact a Flight Service Station at 1-800-WX-BRIEF to obtain current information. For specific inquiries regarding the airspace restrictions, reach out to the National Capital Region Coordination Center (NCRCC) at (703) 563-3221.
» FLIGHT ADVISORY: President Carter's State Funeral